Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Bump

Here I am at almost 18 weeks. The bump is officially here and is steadily growing. We'll take some more pictures hopefully soon but I thought I'd take a picture now before another week went by. I haven't really felt anything move yet, but should any day now. And, if I did feel something I'm not quite sure if it was the baby or food settling. I'm sure I'll be able to distinguish the difference very soon. More to come soon!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Well, we just had our 16 week appointment today and everything is going really well. No ultrasound this time, but we heard the heartbeat... a healthy, strong 150 bpm. The doctor said he felt the baby moving around a lot and everything is going well.

My nausea symptoms have really lessened this past week, which I am so happy about, but I still get occasional nausea here and there. The newest symptom to join the club is heartburn/acid reflux... as long as nausea stays away though, I am good. I have been gaining steady weight... especially because I eat all the time, but the doctor said I am on track. I still really don't have any cravings, but just foods I can tolerate. I have more food aversions than anything. One thing I do like lately though is tea.... hot tea, sweet tea and chai tea.

Our next appointment is the 20 week ultrasound to determine the sex and we can't wait! It is scheduled for July 3rd at 10:15am. We like to pick important dates for some reason to go to the doctors (Patrick's dad's birthday, my birthday and now my parent's anniversary). Stay tuned!